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Master Weaver: Linda Nez


Master Weaver: Linda Nez
August 30, 1958
From: the Shiprock Area of the Navajo Nation
CLAN: “Where Water Meets Born for Tangle” Clan and “Bitter Water” Clan, Her Nali is Comanche Warrior.

Linda started Weaving in 1991. She was taught by her Mother Master Weaver Grace Nez and her maternal Grandmother Angeline Nez.

Linda has won many awards from the Gallup Inter-Tribal Ceremonial. Many of her works have been on exhibit in the Desert Caballeros Western Museum in Wickenburg, AZ.

Linda says, ““My favorite designs are Teec Nos Pos. I really enjoy my work. It is like a therapy for me when things are bad, weaving for me is like taking a walk in the mountains. When I take a walk in the mountains, I see the birds and waterfalls and such which makes me feel better. As I weave and chose colors to work them into my design, that reminds me of nature. Weaving reminds me of good things. I like to watch the colors grow in my weaving as I would watch the water flow in a waterfall.” said Linda.

“When I was a little girl, I would stay with Grandma Angeline sometimes and she taught me how to weave. It wasn’t until after my daughter Ava was born in 1990, that I started to weave an entire rug on my own and would be able to earn a living form it.” said Linda.

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Linda Nez Navajo WeaverLinda Nez Navajo Weaver Linda Nez Navajo Weaver Linda Nez Navajo Weaver Linda Nez Navajo WeaverLinda Nez Navajo WeaverLinda Nez Navajo WeaverLinda Nez Navajo Weaver
